Thursday, September 06, 2007

Matt & His Feats of Strength

My brother Matt is totally going to be the next YouTube sensation with his series of videos in which he performs moderately difficult feats of strength. I once sat next to LonelyGirl15 at a thai restaurant, so I have my finger on the pulse of these kinds of things.


Gina said...

ok seriously...those are your brothers? Dayum! Hotmess much? Last time I saw them we were at Pizza Hut on 17th street and I brought the presents like stickers and finger puppets....yea, that was about 15 years ago!

p.s. we're old

Unknown said...

okay, yes, it's true. i've always been the sleezy older friend who had a crush on your bros. but, when they get hotter and hotter, how can i end this mad passion? good thing i'm in utah, eh...?

Anonymous said...

Well, it seems like from the fan mail that at least your brother will find a nice girl this way.

Erik said...

you're all pervy older ladies, that's what you all are.

(notice that i didn't say "old," i said "older.")

Anonymous said...

Ohhhh my. Eric, really. I gotta say, you guys are the cutest group of guys .... I'm just at a loss for ... hubba hubba...okay, not at a total loss for words ....