Tuesday, March 14, 2006

New Thing #48: If you needed more proof that I am a total geek, here it is.

Dear Cara,

You know how I'm always like "I hate MySpace" and "MySpace is so lame" and "oh my god I love MySpace" and things like that?

Okay, I actually had a point with the whole MySpace thing, but I'm feeling scattered right now, and I forget what the point was.

When I was a kid, I used to enter contests all the time (like "Enter to Win a Trip to Hollywood, CA to see a Taping of Growing Pains!" and "Win a Shirt Signed by ALF!" and other such inane contests, from the backs of magazines like Teen Beat and Alf Comics).

Well, my friend Jessica is obsessed with Harry Potter and she just entered a contest to meet the cast of Harry Potter in London and since she knows I am just as obsessed with London as she is obsessed with Harry Potter (she's obsessed with London too) she agreed to take me if she wins. So instead of entering the contest myself and splitting the vote, I'm throwing my weight behind Jessica's ticket and that's my New Thing for today. I am totally geeking out and asking you to vote for Jessica on the Harry Potter website so that we can win and go to London.

Right now Jessica has 6 votes (thanks to my AWESOME MySpace friends who have already voted) (MySpace is AWESOME). But the person who's winning--probably some idiot twelve-year-old or something like that--has, like, 4000 votes. SO WE NEED YOUR HELP.

If you feel like doing a New Thing today and registering on the Harry Potter website (it takes, like, two minutes and it's kind of annoying) then would you mind voting for Jessica so that she'll win and take me to London? I will love you forever.

The name you need to type in when you vote is "JessicaS3506".

Vote for JessicaS3506 is the new Vote for Pedro.

Love you forever!



P.S. I cannot believe I even posted this as a blog entry.

P.P.S. But I really want to go to London.

P.P.P.S. "Cara" is the fake girl I made up in a comment thread months ago. I felt like this blog entry would be less geeky if I addressed it to her instead of my regular blog readers, but maybe that makes it even MORE geeky. I dunno.

P.P.P.P.S. I'm not even really a Harry Potter fan. I mean, I've seen the movies, and I liked them and all, but I've never read any of the books.

P.P.P.P.P.S. I don't know if I intented this (on a subconcious level) while I was writing this post, but the post feels like it's spam. You know what I mean?

P.P.P.P.P.P.S. Sorry for spamming you.

P.P.P.P.P.P.P.S. I think the reason I type so many typos in general is that I type too fast. I also have a crappy keyboard, which I think deserves some of the blame. Some of the keys occasionally stick. (Don't ever buy a Toshiba laptop.)


Anonymous said...

Sorry, this is asking way too fucking much of the people who love you, even though everyone wants you to go to London. Nice try.

Anonymous said...

The Cara thing is so lame. I might have supported you if you hadn't done that. Too bad.

Erik said...

Dear Anonymous,

You suck.


Nichole said...

I tried signing up at the HP website to vote for "JessicaS3506", but I had difficulties with the form for new members!! I'll try tomorrow, I promise. I myself am a huge Harry fan so I understand your friend's need. Tell her good luck!

Erik said...

Nichole, I love that you tried! It is an obnoxiously absurd site, difficult to navigate, etc. Thank you for trying, though. And by the way, I should probably post this comment on YOUR blog, but Naima is totally my favorite ANTM too. She has the best catwalk. I remember that last fashion show and watching her compared to the other woman (whose name I can't remember right now)--it was like night and day. And last season I liked Nicole, but I wanted Nik to win. (Actually, I only wanted Nik to win between the two of them--the model I REALLY wanted to win was Kim.) (And I had a soft spot for Lisa and all of her craziness too--because I think she was misunderstood.) (But the way Kim evolved during the progress of the show, I thought she really blossomed and grew and that's what the show is about--using all of the tools that they give you and learning how to present your best you.) (I cannot believe I'm sitting here analyzing what America's Next Top Model is about.) I haven't watched the first episode of this new season yet...it's on my Tivo...I'm glad you're a fan too. See you on the blogs again soon.

Anonymous said...

Hello again! This is Komal, aka. The Runaway Strawberry. I commented a while back on a post of yours and I told you how much I love you in a non-creepy way. And then ever since you replied to my comment i've been meaning to reply to you but I got all busy with school and such and I haven't had time. Not that I think you've been waiting around for me or anything, but I thought I would explain my absence. And that my name is Komal. Because I don't write in my blog and don't want to have to sign in every time I want to comment. So hello. My name is Komal, and I am from Toronto, and I am East-Indian, and I love you :)

And yes I love Degrassi as well. Not so much the new ones though, I like the original series. But okay I wanted to comment on some things you wrote in this post, and give you my two cents. Firstly, oh my god you sound like you have such an exciting life. You've been to so many places and lived in so many different countries and have so many different friends. I envy you. It must be exciting to be you (that was my reply to your Ipod shuffle post).

And now I have to tell you that I LOVE HARRY POTTER. Like, i'm obsessed. And I know every little bit about every book and I go on sites that have theories relating to the book and I research possible reasons for things that have happened. I research! And I put my friends in houses based on their personalties. Which may sound a little crazy, but sometimes I'm a little crazy. Anyway, I love those books. As someone who loves the books I am always shocked when people say they enjoy the movies, because to me the movies don't even compare to the books. So I think you should read the books. They're awesome. Like, really. When I was in the ninth grade, Rosie O' Donnel was always talking about them and it used to get on my nerves because I hadn't heard of them and was therefore annoyed with their sudden popularity. But then my sister brought one home, and she AND my brother read it. And thats a big deal. My brother only read while hes on the toilet and only Archie comics. Which I also love. I hope you love Archie comics too. But anyway, so I read it and it was amazing. So okay to get to the point. Harry Potter = the love of my life. You should read them.

And I wish I even had a chance to win that contest, but my friends are way too lazy to go and vote for me. Slash I don't have 4000 friends. Damn, I need more friends. Anyway, I will vote for your friend tomorrow after I finish the essay I should be doing right now. But if she wins and you go, please do me a favour if it isn't terribly inconvenient. I hear they put up a sign in King's Cross Station, Platform 9 3/4, because so many people visit the station looking for it. So if you go, take a picture next to the sign! I would love you times a million more (I know we don't know each other so my love probably doesn't mean much, but it should, because if you were here, we would be friends, so it's like a would've been love, which should count for something right?).

Okay thats it. I'm done. Except that I have a Toshiba laptop as well and I agree, it is absolute junk.

Anonymous said...

Dear Erik,

I just wanted to write and let you know I think I'm mildly obsessed with your blog - in a totally non-creepy way. First thing when I get to work I check email, my message board, and then blogs - yours has moved up the list to the first. And not just because you update more regularly... although now that I think about it that might be a big plus. Hah.

Anyway, I will get my 9 yr old to sign up on the Harry Potter site later today. He gets less frustrated at absurd sites than I do.

Yours Truly,

Erik said...

Okay, Komal and Rebecca, I am not going to be at my computer for the rest of the day, but I want to give both of your comments the respect they deserve and reply with lengthy comments of my own, so I will do so this evening. I just wanted to say hi really quick before I head out of the house and give you both my love. You both rock. More rockage soon.

Anonymous said...

Okay, so some really nice people are responding to your blog-a-thon for the trip to London and I think that's really cool and sort of vindicates you for using your blog in this questionable, self-serving fashion. I felt lame when I saw how eager to help they are, but sorry, I'm not gonna vote. I still suck. Just thought you'd like to know I feel kinda bad about it.

Erik said...

Dear Anonymous,

You SHOULD feel bad.


Erik said...

Dear Anonymous,

You SHOULD feel bad.


Erik said...

Dear Runaway Strawberry, I like the name Runaway Strawberry, but it's fun to know your real name, so dear Komal, the original Degrassi is one of my favorite things ever. I don't say it's one of my favorite "TV shows" ever because Degrassi is more than just a TV show. Like, if I was Julie Andrews, or, sorry, if I was Maria Von Trapp (wait, her last name couldn't have been Von Trapp because she worked for the Von Trapps) (anyway, if I was her) and I was babysitting a whole brood of children and they were upset because of the weather and I wanted to cheer them up with a song about my favorite things, then one of the things in the song would so definitely be the original Degrassi. It used to play on PBS and none of my friends watched it, but I was obsessed. I'm not even sure how I discovered it. I think I stumbled across it one day and was shocked to see kids going through such heavy stuff. (And I was several years younger than the kids on Degrassi, so I felt like I was seeing my future--you know how it is when you're that age, around 10 or 11--you see a movie or TV show about teenagers and even though they're going through shitty things you're excited to think that one of these days you're going to be a teenager too and you're going to get to go through the same shitty things. And then you go through them and while you're in them you're like, "this fucking sucks, I hate this." And then you make it through those sucky years and you look back and you're like "that was so much fun, why can't I do it again?" (At least that's what I think when I look back on those shitty years, but maybe I'm an anomaly.) (Did I spell "anomaly" correct?) (I am the laziest spell checker--instead of actually checking to see if it's correct, I'm all "I wonder if it's correct? Oh well.")

What was I saying? Oh right. Degrassi. So. Yes, the original series is amazing (both junior high and high school), but I have to tell you to give the new ones a shot. Seriously. Find a marathon and hunker down--that's what I did, and though I have a huge nostalgia for the original series, I almost like the new one better. (I am shocked at myself for admitting that just now.) I could go on and on forever about this and I don't want to bore you by doing so. One of my favorite episodes from the original series was the one with the twenty dollar bill (I think it might have been called "The Twenty Dollar Bill") where the guys said they would give Joey twenty bucks to go on a date with Caitlin and then she finds out but of course he loves her and he rips the twenty dollar bill in the rain? Oh, and the abortion two-parter was so good (that one made me feel REALLY mature!). Oooooo and the one when Snake goes to find his father? Killer. All of those episodes made me cry. BUT. And here's the BUT. I think that there are even more episodes in the current crop that have made me cry. I'm not even going to into detail--you should just find a week where you don't have anything else to do (yeah, I know, I never have those weeks either) and rent all of the episodes and have a major marathon. You won't be disappointed.

I guess my obsession with Degrassi is sorta like your obsession with Harry Potter. I plan on reading the books one of these days. I do. I really do. Very cool about the Platform 9 3/4 sign that they have at King's Cross Station. If I win or even if I don't (because I probably won't) I'll still find a way to get back to London one of these days and when I do I promise to take a picture of that sign for you.

Erik said...

Dear Anonymous,

I didn't mean for that comment to be published twice. That was an accident. I don't mean for you to feel THAT bad. Sorry.


Erik said...

Dear Rebecca,

I am so happy to know that you are obsessed with my blog. I love obsessions. Obsessions rule my world. Some things that I am obsessed with at the moment: Degrassi (obviously, given my comment above), MySpace (so sad), the Dead Until Dark book series by Charlaine Harris (I can't get through the books quick enough), webkinz (this is really embarrassing, it's a kids videogame, maybe your 9-year-old knows it, or maybe your 9-year-old is too old for it, I don't know, I can't gage what age webkinz is supposed to be geared towards, but I have a friend who has kids who play webkinz on their computer and I am truly freaking obsessed with several of the arcade games and helping them win money for their webkinz pets), reality television (in general), Imogen Heap (an amazing singer), Anderson Cooper (the hottest news anchor ever), replying to comments on my own blog (because I love that I sit at coffeeshops and spew things outta my head and then hit "publish" and people around the country actually read this and take time to comment! I love people), commenting on other blogs (love that too), getting comments from people like you (love that the most), and sushi. I am truly obsessed with sushi right now and I have to stop myself from eating it because I don't want to die of mercury poisoning and I don't want to spend any more time irrationally worrying about dying of mercury poisoning.

Thank you 9-year-old for signing up on the Harry Potter website. You both rock.