Thursday, March 09, 2006

Red fucking shirt post

This is the fourth time I've written this blog entry. Last night, I wrote it and then fell asleep in front of my computer before hitting the "publish" button and then, somehow, in a half-sleeping/half-awake moment, I deleted the post.

Then, this morning, I wrote a really really really long version of the post. Like, really long. Super long. Ron Jeremy long. And then when I went to hit the "publish" button, my internet went on the fritz and I got one of those "not connected to the internet" screens and when I finally got back online my post had, yes, been deleted.

Then I wrote it a-friggin-gain and blogspot freaked the fuck out and said it was “experiencing problems.” El deleto.

So now I'm writing this post again, for the fourth time, and I'm not gonna bother trying to recreate the magic of the previous three versions. The first three versions has lots of words and three photos, but this time I'm just gonna let the pictures speak for themselves.

Here’s a picture of me holding up a red shirt that I’ve had for years and that I occasionally wear to meetings:
Hey, look, here’s another picture of me holding up the same red shirt.
Wait, harooomph?
Um, when did that happen? Like, how do I have two copies of the same exact shirt and I've never known that I had two of 'em? How can I be that unobservant when it comes to clothes? I'm the worst gay ever.


Anonymous said...

hearts and love shooting out of me right now.

so. funny.


Anonymous said...

one looks more faded than the other...does that one get more usage?

maybe you could wear one as an undershit and the other as an thing #47. wore two of the same shirt at the same time in public.

Erik said...

The one that looks faded in the picture doesn't actually looked faded in real life. They look EXACTLY THE SAME in real life. So I have no idea how often they have both been worn and if one is significantly older than the other one.

I like the idea of wearing them both at the same time. At some point during the day, I would have to make a big fuss about being hot and say to everyone in my general vicinity, "It's so hot I'm going to take my shirt off!" And then I would take my shirt off to reveal the same exact shirt on underneath.

THAT would be fun!

Oh, and Joe, there's a typo in your comment and it's one of my favorite typos. I remember in, like, 1st or 2nd grade I had a spelling test with the word "shirt" on it and I spelled the word without the "r" on the test and when I got my graded test back I got a big laugh about it. (Hey, I might have been young, but I still already knew that writing the word "shit" on your spelling test was FUNNY.)

Anonymous said...

something is even funnier about the word "undershit." Under definitely improves the typo.

Erik said...

Oh my god, absolutely. "Undershit" is the bomb.

Anonymous said...

Dude, one is red, one is blue.

Erik said...

Dustin, yes, but not in the photo.

Erik said...

Jesse, I think that all of the shirts are purple actually.

Gina said...

Erik, one day you'll have to indulge me and let me take you shopping. You're a hot bitch and the right clothes will shoot you outta this galaxy. Not that your clothes now are bad. They're not, they're great, just like you->easy to hang with and comfortable.

Since you have two of the same shirt, I think you should wear one, and Jesses should wear one and then go around saying you're identical twins and get pissed and offended at anyone that doesn't believe you. Then, that would be a good time to bring in the whole throwing a glass of wine in someones face.."Yes we're identical twins bitch. What's so funny?" *splash*

Erik said...

Gina, you're on, I'd love to go shopping with you!