Saturday, August 26, 2006

It's been awhile...

...since I blogged about Scott Caan's hand. (It used to be the mystery of Jennifer Aniston's third hand, but then a second mystery emerged, and that was the mystery of Scott Caan's hand.)

If you haven't been following along from the start:

Part One: (clink me)
Part Two: (clink me)
Part Three: (clink me)

Anyway, I just saw this photo and I wanted to enter it into evidence. The hand is featured prominently. Check it out:

The weird thing about the photo is't the hand look kinda disembodied???

Like it's straight outta Evil Dead or something, RIGHT? So maybe THAT'S the answer! The hand in the original Jennifer Aniston photo WAS scott caan's hand, but the reason it didn't look like it belonged to him was that IT WASN'T ATTACHED TO HIS ARM WHEN THE FUCKING FREAKING PHOTO WAS TAKEN!?!?!!!?!!!!!

Finally an answer to the Jennifer Aniston's Third Hand Photo Question that makes sense.


Anonymous said...

but what a fister that Scott is.

Erik said...


Anonymous said...

erik! Quit being all PG. when you talk about a detached hand, the only natural joke is going to lead to the butt, it's like a rule of comedy, or something.

Erik said...

i'm not PG in general, Jesse. Just when it comes to Scott Caan's hand.

Anonymous said...

ohmygod, how did you get that picture of me giving scott caan a lap dance?! i usually charge for the rights to that photo but seeing as how you finally solved the mystery, i'll give it to you gratis to celebrate.

and, yes, jesse, his hand does detach but he insists on using gloves at all times. not rubber gloves... leather ones. those wierd-children-of-famous-movie-stars-who-become-movie-stars-too.

Erik said...

aims, i knew this was you, but i wasn't sure if i was allowed to say anything--you know, i wanted to maintain you anonanimity (how the fuck do you spell that) and all. But since you let the cat out of the bod!

Erik said...

oh, and I'm glad to hear that scott is so safety conscious. (no glove, no love.)

Bonnie said...

I love the idea that this guy has a PA whose job it is to go around with this hand on a stick and be sure it's in photos and scenes he shoots... and it's just sometimes that it gets "caught" off-kilter. Like when the boom is in the shot.

I wonder how much this guy gets paid.


Anonymous said...

didn't we decide that scott's hand is also your hand?

Erik said...

BonBon, he TOTALLY has a PA who goes places with him making sure the hand appears in photos and looks realistic, and whenever the hand doesn't look realistic the PA gets a spanking from Scott (with the hand, it's all very torrid)...

Erik said...

...and how do I know that, you ask? Because, yes, LINDSAY was right, we DID decide that Scott Caan's hand was my hand. We share it 50/50, with the caveat that he gets the hand whenever there's a movie premiere or festival or whenever he's going out to a strip club.

Bonnie said...

Okay, wait. Does that mean the PA actually spanks himself? I mean, if his job is to carry around the hand, and when he is bad he gets spanked with the hand, wouldn't that mean he's self-spanking?

And isn't that called something else entirely? ;)


Erik said...

BonBon, the PA totally has to self-spank and it's dirty. Very, very dirty. But it's cool, because that's how Scott likes it, and his PA does too. (Only his PA *pretends* not to like it, so that Scott will keep punishing him with THE HAND, as it's known.) (It's all very complicated.)


Anonymous said...

Leave Scott's hand alone.
It wants to meet a stripper,
and have a nice life.